Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6.1- Web 2.0

The new and improve movie, Commonwealth 10, have now upgraded our system to an enhancing collaboration using the web 2.0 pillars. Our goal is to manage the digital world and modify how our information is being delivered. Commonwealth 10 uses the pillar harness collective intelligence by connecting its foundation to the web. It is availble to our customers and which they can add users, add new content, and new sites that they believe that will help make Commonwealth 10 website a success. Commonwealth 10 also uses the pillar leveraging the data. It essentially means that if the customer comes to visit our theater, the computer remembers their name and what genre of movies they have seen before and will categorized them into the customers favorite movie list. When the customer logs into their page a list of movies and the genre that they have seen will show up and whatever their favorite genre is then all of the movies of the genre will show up along with the times and dates. Commonwealth 10 uses the pillar implementing innovative web capabilities by showing the customer their mashups and widgets on their personal page. Lastly, Commonwealth 10 utilizes the web as a platform by using peer to peer technology, which enables our customers to share their helpful ideas to us through the use of our online blogging system and our easy 10 question questionairre that will help our customers have a exciting experience at Commonwealth 10. We hope that by using these pillars we will provide an easy and helpful experience on our web site.

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