Wednesday, November 16, 2011

7.1 IS Security

While creating a business the owner should always be aware of their information system security. They should also know that when they build things or create things they should always prepare for a threat. The movie theater Commonwealth 10 is well prepared, but here is a list of our company 5 most threats to imformation system security. The first one consist of natural disasters. Their is nothing we can do about mother nature, but the most common disaster we go through is power outages and we have to always have back up files so our business can keep on running. The second disaster is outsiders and intruders. Due to the fact that our business is so large in nature and sometimes employees make mistakes, but we try to keep all of our private documents and data secured so we require for when to log off when ever they sign in and to never share their username and password with anybody so we can prevent this. The third disaster consist of email attachments with virsus. Since we open our web site to the public sometimes customers attach virsuses on the website or in a blog so Commonwelath 10 clears all saved memory on the websites twice a day and also every two weeks we have a mandatory virsus scan. The fourth disaster is links to business associates. In order to run our business we have to buy our products from different companies. So we set up a secure plan with our business partner not to share any of our private information with them. Meaning no one shares their private and public keys with anybody else. Lastly, the fifth disaster that can occur in Commonwealth 10 is  our employees or consultants  slipping up. We must make sure that our employees understand the importance and security of our private key so they will never share them with anybody else so we can continue with our encryption message to one employer to another. If Commonwealth 10 acknowledge and perform all of these rules then our company will be safe and secure with no worries in hand.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

6.1- Web 2.0

The new and improve movie, Commonwealth 10, have now upgraded our system to an enhancing collaboration using the web 2.0 pillars. Our goal is to manage the digital world and modify how our information is being delivered. Commonwealth 10 uses the pillar harness collective intelligence by connecting its foundation to the web. It is availble to our customers and which they can add users, add new content, and new sites that they believe that will help make Commonwealth 10 website a success. Commonwealth 10 also uses the pillar leveraging the data. It essentially means that if the customer comes to visit our theater, the computer remembers their name and what genre of movies they have seen before and will categorized them into the customers favorite movie list. When the customer logs into their page a list of movies and the genre that they have seen will show up and whatever their favorite genre is then all of the movies of the genre will show up along with the times and dates. Commonwealth 10 uses the pillar implementing innovative web capabilities by showing the customer their mashups and widgets on their personal page. Lastly, Commonwealth 10 utilizes the web as a platform by using peer to peer technology, which enables our customers to share their helpful ideas to us through the use of our online blogging system and our easy 10 question questionairre that will help our customers have a exciting experience at Commonwealth 10. We hope that by using these pillars we will provide an easy and helpful experience on our web site.

Monday, October 24, 2011

5.3 B2E Electronic Commerce

In the picture diagram shown above is the use of intranet diagram connecting to an mobile electronic device through our movie theater company Commonwealth 10. Commonwealth 10 begins by connecting to the internet and using the server to communicate to an client that has a mobile device. In order to do so we have to go through a secure firewall so information will only be confined to them. This process is called VPN (virtual private network) which ensures secured transmission of proprietary information.

5.2 B2B electronic commerce

In the picture shown above is an extranet diagram that the movie theater Commonwealth 10 uses. It essentially explains how Commenwealth 10 works with our client Jargo. Our 2 firewalls ensure that both business have an established security system so when we send information through the use of internet from our server to their server we both are protected. This process is called VPN (virtual private network).

4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram

The picture shown above is a graphical representation of database table entities and their relationships to each other, which are typically used in organizations of data within databases or information systems. An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept about which data is stored. A relationship is how the data is shared between entities. Each entity that is being shared contains data types that are called records. Within the records are specific characteristic describing the entities which are called attributes. Different attribute types generally consist of a name and their social security number.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

5.1 Critique your competitors E-commerce website

Bowtie cinemas

Rule 1: The website should offer something unique. Rate-4 This movie theater is very classy and elagance versus other theaters. It also is built off of an train station and the kept the train station setting on the inside also.

Rule 2: The website should be aesthetically pleasing. Rate-4 The background catches the eye and their overall page setup draws the viewer into wanting to see more.

Rule 3:The website must be easy to use and fast. Rate-4 This website is easy to use and fast. All of the navigational tools are easy to access and very minimal link connected.

Rule 4: The website must motivate people to visit Rate-4 Since it is very easy to acces and the webpage is appealing, this website is very motivating to come back and use it again.

Rule 5: You must advertise your presence on the web rate. Rate-4 The Color scheme and background on the webpage reminds you of a ballroom. Since their motto is practing style and elegance it suits their theme. They also have high quality images of the theater on their home page on the website.

Rule 6: You should learn from your website. Rate-4 On bowtie cinemas has a lot of great staticts and comments on. They recommend you attend their and that the service is excellent, the theater is really clean and the showing of their movie was terrific. A lot of people navigate through the webpage.

4.2 Packet Switching Technology

Packet Switching Technology is the process of breaking information into small chunks called data packets and the managing the transfer of those packets from computer to computer via the internet. This picture can illustrate different companies. Company server A is trying to send a data packet to their client Company server C. In order to do so the TCP breaks down the information and manages thr transfer. The IP defines how a packet must be formed to where a router (device used to connect 2 networks) must foward each packet. Each data packet also has their own IP datagram or specifications that gets sends to their own unique IP address. Lastly, the packets get send down a wire that is connected to several users, this is called concurrent data transmission.

4.1 IFS H/W Infrastructure

 The graph to the left is generally depicting how computer systems manage their informion through systems infrastructure. In order  to completely run this system succesfully their are some necessities that are needed. In order to type any information on your computer requires a keyboard or your can use a scanner to input information; those devices are called Input Technologies. In order to view what your typing you have to look at a monitor which is classified as an output technologies. Another requirment process that is needed in order for your system to run is Proccessing Technologies. It alters the information just entered into outputs, which is completed by the CPU. Within the CPU lies the the system unit which houses all of the componets such as the control unit. The alterization of letters change into a binary code that is called machine language that only the computer can read. We characterized them as bits and bytes and also ASCII(Amerian Standard Code for Information Interchange). There are 8bits in 1byte. All of this is being completed by the ALU(Arithmetic logic unit) which performs the math and logical operations.

Input Technologies, Processing Technologies, Output Technologies, Machine language, bits, bytes, and ASCII, CPU, ALU, System Unit, and Control Unit.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1.3 Movie theater

This organizational chart represents the hierarchy of the personnel in Commonwealth 10 Movie Theater. At the top of the chart is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) who oversees the strategic planning of the organization. Below the CIO are three departments responsible for the functions of the theater and headed by a manager.

The Support department job is to handle all of the functions needed for the rest of the departments to do their jobs. We have a database administrator who oversees the business part of the prices and the amount of tickets sales the theater sales.

The Development department handles all new projects for creating new ideas that the theater can consider doing. The Mangers and the directors oversee all of the employees and make sure they are doing their job correctly and keeping the customers happy.  The ticket men are in charge of selling movie tickets and the concession men are in charge of selling food and drinks to the customers.

The Maintenance department job is to keep all theaters and bathrooms clean. Inside of the theaters after every movie they should sweep and vacuum every aisle in the theater. Lastly, inside of the bathroom customers normally go to use them directly after the movie is over, so while the movie is playing every stall should be cleaned spotless.

Choice of 3-5 most important job functions:

If I were to pick three of the most important job functions, I would have to choose the CIO, the ticket and concession men, and the managers and directors. The CIO would manage all operations. The CIO should also be up to knowledge with everything that goes on inside the theater. The ticket and concession men are the employees who keep the business running and making its profits. Lastly, the managers keep the ticket and concession men in check just in case they start to slack off or aren’t doing their job correctly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3.1 Value Chain Analysis

The purpose of the value chain analysis of the Commonwealth 10 movie theater is to help explain step how our theater operates. We created and designed it on  Our goal was to have a competitive advantage over many theaters being that we sell our tickets online. Our business process is to make our customers happy by implementing the electronic commerce system by selling tickets online which guarantees every customer an available seat in their desired movie. Commonwealth 10 also invented the automating ticket box, which help our customer move swiftly and smoothly through the line if they plan to pay by credit or debit card. 

3.2 Sell your Idea

Implementing a business based off of fear, faith and faith limits most of the arguments that the business managers mostly deals with. Faith has to deal with believing in your business and that other competition won’t bankrupt your business. Fear is being scared to try something new because your business to succeed. Lastly, Fact deals with in actuality whose business is honestly going to succeed and make profits. In Commonwealth 10 our fact is aiming to keep manageable prices for our customers and hold a very welcoming staff. If the customers are happy and pleased then they will normally come back again and/or recommend our business to family and friends making our business to grow.

2.2 Enabling Global Payments at PayPal

Online shoppers know how easy it is to buy something online, but when it came time to make your purchase sending cash or checks through the mail was not accurate and/or took a long time. By inventing PayPal makes online shopping a quick and easy way to transfer money. When it comes time to make a payment for a web product the customer just enters their credit card number in and it will automatically charge the money to your account. I think PayPal has been so successful throughout the world is because people trust this method because it is a quick and easy way of transferring money to another account. In security customers information is confidential and secure. PayPal has increase their globalization by expanded clients to abroad and is charging fees for payment processing for a wide variety of online vendors. They also offer special merchant accounts for transferring large amounts of money.

2.1 Global Picture sharing: Flickr was developed in 2002 in Canada and is now owned by Yahoo. It is now the easiest and most popular means of sharing photos online. Flickr did not invent online photo sharing, but they did invent a method called “tagging.” It lets the photo owners and viewers put a label on the picture so they can subscribe to in and share it with whomever they please. The use of photo sharing and tagging individuals into pictures created a term called “folksonomy.” This is simply when the viewers of the pictures can comment on the photos. main enablers that keeps their business running is their specialization is selling photos, finding photos, and being able to stay in touch with family and friends through a social gathering. Since family and friends can’t always be in person with the ones they love, it allows them to not miss a minute of their life and watch kids grow and mature through the use of pictures.

Friday, September 2, 2011

1.2 Movie theater

1. Person (Customer)
    Customer ID
    Josh19:TH-> Josh-19-TH-> relate to name, age, and movie title-> apply to sale records
    Data-> Information-> Knowledge-> Wisdom

    Our customers will first arrive at Commonwealth 10 and show their identification. Based off of that we record their names down and their date of birth. Based off of their age we determine what rating movies they are allowed to see. Finally, we will then show them a list of approved movies they can choose from to view in the theater.

2. Product/Service (Food)
    Food ID
    HD:LG->relate to food and size of the order->apply to sale records
    Data-> Information-> Knowledge-> Wisdom

    After the customer goes through their identity check at the front desk they are directed to the concession stands. When they arrive, a touch screen monitor awaits them where they will then choose their food of choice and the size they would like their meal to be. A reciept is printed out and then the customers waits unitl they call out there waiting number thats on there reciept.

3. Event (Movie Premier)
    Movie Title
   Josh19:TH 08/19-7:00-7->relate to name, age, movie title, date, time, and theater number->  apply to sale records
   Data-> Information-> Knowledge-> Wisdom
  Our customers will now recieve an identity ticket based off of their name, age, date, movie selection, time of movie selected and the theater they will be viewing the theater. Once you have your identity ticket there are arrows that points to the different theaters. Once the customer has found his or her theater they will finally enter their ticket in the slot box. If you are approved to go in a green light will come on and the door will open automatically. If you are declined a red light will appear you will have to report to the help desk and there they will make sure all of your information is correct and will fix the problem so you will be able to enjoy your visit at Commonwealth 10.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1.1 Movie Theater

A new movie theater has been design and built and its called Commonwealth 10. This modern & refubrished theater is stationed in Richmond, Virginia. It only shows the most popular and recent movies out at the current time. Commonwealth 10 makes most of their profit by selling movie tickets to customers which guarantees them a comfortable seat in a theater. Another contribution that helps our business to continue to make profit is their concession stands. By having a wide variety of food choices at cheap prices, it draws the customers in and makes their experience at Commonwealth 10 that much better.