This organizational chart represents the hierarchy of the personnel in Commonwealth 10 Movie Theater. At the top of the chart is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) who oversees the strategic planning of the organization. Below the CIO are three departments responsible for the functions of the theater and headed by a manager.
The Support department job is to handle all of the functions needed for the rest of the departments to do their jobs. We have a database administrator who oversees the business part of the prices and the amount of tickets sales the theater sales.
The Development department handles all new projects for creating new ideas that the theater can consider doing. The Mangers and the directors oversee all of the employees and make sure they are doing their job correctly and keeping the customers happy. The ticket men are in charge of selling movie tickets and the concession men are in charge of selling food and drinks to the customers.
The Maintenance department job is to keep all theaters and bathrooms clean. Inside of the theaters after every movie they should sweep and vacuum every aisle in the theater. Lastly, inside of the bathroom customers normally go to use them directly after the movie is over, so while the movie is playing every stall should be cleaned spotless.
Choice of 3-5 most important job functions:
If I were to pick three of the most important job functions, I would have to choose the CIO, the ticket and concession men, and the managers and directors. The CIO would manage all operations. The CIO should also be up to knowledge with everything that goes on inside the theater. The ticket and concession men are the employees who keep the business running and making its profits. Lastly, the managers keep the ticket and concession men in check just in case they start to slack off or aren’t doing their job correctly.